An integrated and complete cycle
Our objective is to reduce the waste of metal resources, a valuable commodity that should not be viewed just as simple scrap. Working together with companies, we identify waste materials that can be transformed into reusable resources, following a sustainable and environmentally friendly process.
After the recovery phase, we identify the most appropriate process for each material.
The Recovery (R3cover) activities are part of an integrated cycle that is completed by the Recycling (R3cycle) and Reuse (R3use) operations, which are performed at the two corresponding sites in Buja and Tavagnacco.

R3cover - We do it over and over
We turn waste into resources and resources into value.We are aware that every material contains an intrinsic value, which is often underestimated. Through the process of ferrous material recovery, scrap material is transformed into something new and valuable, creating added value for our company.

R3cycle - from waste to resource
Recycling means reintroducing materials into the production cycle.
In this process, scrap materials, mainly from industry, industrial demolition and municipal collection sites, are transformed into raw materials that have a higher value compared to their previous service life (upcycling).

R3use- Giving a new life to things
The concept of reuse involves identifying artefacts that would otherwise be considered waste and recovering them before they are thrown away. Through this process, they can be reintroduced into the market and used again without any additional processing.
We provide comprehensive support to companies to maximise the value of their materials. We carefully follow the REUSE and RECYCLING processes, from collection to sorting, from disposal to packaging, and all the way to the marketing of the end product. With our expertise and professionalism, we connect supply and demand, assisting companies to effectively manage their waste and create added value.